Farewell and Welcome — August 13, 2018

Read the original archived newsletter here.

Hi there!

Thank you all for being supportive members of the Tantasqua Music Association!

It has been a privilege to serve as the TMA President the last two years. Thank you to everyone who has supported the TMA through: time, talent, donations, and volunteering. It  has been rewarding to be involved in these great programs with the students, parents, supporters, and staff of Tantasqua. Personally, I am proud of all we have accomplished in these last few years. It has been a pleasure working with those so dedicated in support of all of the music  suite programs!

Please join me in welcoming the new TMA board for 2018-2019! Your new President is Cheryl Reeve. Your new Vice President is Kathy Olson. Welcome back Bonna Pano as Treasurer. And, your new Secretary is Melissa Beauchemin. The new board is excited to begin the year! If you would like to be more involved in the TMA in the coming year please reach out to a board member.

Warm Regards,

Jamie Olander

Please see farewell message from former Vice President Sue Davey below:

After three years as Vice President of TMA, it brings mixed emotions of both joy and sadness that I must leave my board position. There are so many people to thank. I want to first thank those who served on the board before me, those who I had the pleasure to serve with, and the amazing directors and musicians we support. Their history, insight, and ideas perpetuated a personal drive within to support these talented, dedicated musicians and performers.  As with any nonprofit, there are many struggles but the rewards far outweigh them. Living in such a fast paced busy world, volunteers have been increasingly hard to acquire.  We urge you, if possible, to volunteer a little time.  I promise, it is an extremely rewarding experience.  As for those who were able to volunteer and donate items or money, as a music parent and TMA member, I am so extremely grateful for your support.

In the last 3-4 years TMA has had significant changes which include our ‘forward funding’ model, increased college scholarship amounts, additional support to include our performing arts and finally, the long-awaited lesson subsidy program!

As our students prepare to leave high school and graduate, it is inevitable our board, members and volunteers will also change.  As I help my daughter prepare for her next chapter, I will miss being part of such a wonderful group of caring individuals.  I know our new board members are dedicated and will do even more amazing work. Lastly, I would like to sum up this past year with just two familiar words we would often hear from a fellow board member, extraordinary volunteer and now someone I am proud to call friend……”Strong Work!”


Sue Davey