News from the TMA — October 15, 2018

Read the original archived newsletter here

News from the Tantasqua Music Association


Congratulations, Dads’ Show Choir, on winning the big trophy at this year’s Tantasqua in the Spotlight competition!  Everyone had a fantastic time, and word is the Moms are already plotting ways to win the trophy back next year!

Reminder!!  Our next TMA General Meeting will be held on Monday, October 15th.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  We will discuss TMA’s 2018-19 fundraising plans, volunteer opportunities, and upcoming events.  TMA Membership information and forms will be available at the meeting; renewals are payable by check or cash.  Please join us to learn how you can help support our music programs at Tantasqua.

TMA General Meeting:
Monday, October 15th, 2018 at 6:30pm
Hitchcock Free Academy, 2 Brookfield Road, Brimfield, MA
Lower West Room (1st Floor)

TMA Website:
For more information regarding Tantasqua Music Association, please visit our website:


A message from Kathy Olson, VP of TMA and Event Coordinator for our first two concerts:

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming music events!! Our first concerts are coming up soon and we are looking for some volunteers for the High School Band/Chorus Concert and the Junior High Band Concert.  Volunteering can be as simple as dropping off food/drink, or giving a little bit of your time before/after/during the concerts to help support the TMA, which is an organization that is here to help supplement all our music programs!

Remember that we encourage Tantasqua students to volunteer too, and this is another opportunity for community/service hours.  We also love it when a HighSchool parent/alumni/student volunteers to help with a JuniorHigh event, or vice versa- it truly does take a village to have a successful Music Program!

If you are interested in helping out at any of the events below, please click on the SignUp links below to see the volunteer opportunities that are available.  If you have questions,  contact Kathy Olson at



TMA Facebook Page:

We would like to continue having an active TMA Facebook Community to keep everyone informed about the amazing music events that are planned at the Jr. High and High School, as well as to communicate about upcoming volunteer opportunities that will benefit all music groups at Tantasqua.

If you haven’t already, please Find “Tantasqua Music Association” on Facebook, and “Like” / “Follow” us to stay informed!!  And please share our posts!!!


Upcoming Music Events:

October 15: TMA General Meeting, 6:30pm @Hitchcock Academy

October 17: Baba Sushi Restaurant: TMA Night: Join us for dinner, a portion of your check is donated to TMA!

October 22: THS Band and Chorus Concert, 7pm @THS

October 24: TJHS Band Concert, 7pm @THS

Nov 2: THS Fall Play, 7pm @ THS 

Nov 3: THS Fall Play, 2pm and 7pm @THS: William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

TMA Membership:

Join the TMA and support our Tantasqua Student Musicians!

Visit our Membership Table at an event to sign up, or go to TMA’s website Join Page: to join/renew online.

Memberships should be renewed annually, starting in September, for each school year.

Who is the TMA?

Since the 1980s, the TMA has supported the Tantasqua Junior and Senior High School music programs, including Concert Band and Chorus, Show Choir, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Color Guard, Drama and more!  The TMA is a member-based organization that has funded instruments, scholarships, training, and special programs to benefit our talented student musicians.

TMA 2018-19 Board:

Cheryl Reeve, President
Kathy Olson, Vice President
Bonna Pano, Treasurer
Melissa Beauchemin, Secretary
Francine Baggetta, Membership

Please stay tuned for more details regarding TMA and how you can get involved with MUSIC at Tantasqua.

We hope to see you at the meeting!

Warm Regards,

Cheryl Reeve