Read the original archived newsletter here.

Greetings from the Tantasqua Music Association!
We are all looking forward to an exciting year of Music for 2019-2020!
TMA General Meeting: November 7
Our next TMA General Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 7. The meeting will be held at 6:30pm in the Junior High School Cafeteria. Everyone will be welcome to attend- parents, alumni, community supporters! We will discuss TMA’s 2019-20 fundraising plans, volunteer opportunities, and upcoming events. TMA Membership information and forms for 2019-20 will be available at the meeting; payment may be made by check or cash.
Please join us on November 7 to learn how you can help support our music programs at Tantasqua!!
We hope you were able to enjoy the JH Fall Band Concert…
…and the HS Fall Band and Chorus Concert!!
Bravo to our talented student musicians and to Ms Collwell, Mr Raymond, and Mr Ternullo!
Thank you to all of the parents and students and alumni that supported the TMA by volunteering and/or donating baked goods and drinks!
Upcoming Music Events for 2019-20:
Please refer to Tantasqua District Calendar for changes and updates.
Nov 1: THS Fall Theatrical Production, 7pm @ THS “You Can’t Take It With You”
Nov 2: THS Fall Theatrical Production, 2pm and 7pm @THS
November 7: TMA General Meeting, 6:30pm, at JuniorHigh Cafeteria
December 13: Show Choir Cabaret, 7pm, HS Cafeteria
December 14: Show Choir Cabaret, 2pm, HS Cafeteria
TMA will be looking for volunteers (parents/students/alumni) and donations for the Events/Concerts.
Stayed tuned for details, and checkout our Volunteer Page for more!
Upcoming Events and Concerts: Links coming soon!!
Join the TMA and support our Tantasqua Student Musicians!
Go to our Join Page to register online, or visit our table at an event to sign up.
Memberships should be renewed annually for each school year, please join asap for 2019-20!
Who is the TMA?
Since the 1980s, the TMA has supported the Tantasqua Junior and Senior High School music programs, including Concert Band and Chorus, Show Choir, Jazz Band, Pit Band, Marching Band, Color Guard, Drama and more! The TMA is a member-based organization that has funded instruments, scholarships, lessons, training, and special programs to benefit our talented student musicians.
TMA 2019-20 Board:
Cheryl Reeve, President
Paul Watson, Vice President
Paul McDermott, Treasurer
Fritz Reeve, Secretary
Please stay tuned for more details regarding TMA and how you can get involved with MUSIC at Tantasqua.
We hope to see you at the TMA General Meeting on November 7!
Warm Regards,
Cheryl Reeve