Read the original archived newsletter here.
Greetings from the TMA!
We hope you will join us for upcoming Concerts & the Caberet!
See Concert SignUp Links below.

Please join us for the JHS & HS Winter Concerts!
We can’t wait to hear our talented musicians! The TMA is reaching out for donations and helpers for the upcoming December concerts. This is a great opportunity for parents and alumni to meet our Tantasqua music family, and students can earn volunteer hours for community service! Please click on the links below to find out how you can support the TMA at the concerts.
JHS Choral Concert Dec9 SignUp Link:
JHS Band Concert Dec11 SignUp Link:
HS Concert Dec16 SignUp Link:
TMA Student Leaders:
The TMA is looking for HS and JHS Student Leaders, to help promote and support the Tantasqua Music Association! The Student Leader role will include volunteering at events, acting as Liaison for student groups and music groups, helping us promote events through Social Media and advertising, and encouraging other students to get involved! For additional information, please contact .
Private Lesson Program:
The TMA sponsors private lessons for both instrumental and choral students. The TMA currently has additional funding available for lessons; these lessons are first come, first served. If you are interested, please contact your instructor and apply for PLP lessons. These lessons are giving all of our students the opportunity to excel!
Upcoming Music Events for 2019-20:
Please refer to Tantasqua District Calendar for changes and updates.
December 9: JH Chorus Winter Concert, Monday, 7pm, THS
SignUp Link:
December 11: JH Band Winter Concert, Wednesday, 7pm, THS
SignUp Link:
December 13: Show Choir Cabaret, Friday, 7pm, HS Cafeteria
December 14: Show Choir Cabaret, Saturday, 2pm, HS Cafeteria
December 16: HS Winter Concert, Monday, 7pm, THS
SignUp Link:
December 27: Baba Sushi: Please join us for lunch or dinner- TMA receives a portion of the day’s proceeds!
February 21-23, 2020: Archery Event: TMA Concessions
CONCERTS: Please visit the TMA Holiday Tables at the concerts- renew your Membership, support TMA as a business Sponsor, buy Raffle Tickets, and shop for fun gifts and stocking stuffers! Items payable by check or cash.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Please follow TantasquaMusic on FaceBook and Twitter, Like and Share our posts to help us promote events!
VOLUNTEERING: Throughout the year, TMA will be looking for helpers (parents/students/alumni) and donations for Events/Concerts.Parent helpers: Even a small amount of time volunteering to setup/cleanup/etc is a huge help to the TMA, and you will not miss your student’s performance! Stay tuned for details, and checkout our website Volunteer Page for future volunteer opportunities!
MEMBERSHIP: Join the TMA and support our Tantasqua Student Musicians!
Go to our website Join Page to register online, or visit our table at an event to sign up. Memberships should be renewed annually for each school year, please join asap for 2019-20!
SPONSORSHIP: Sponsorship Forms will also be available at the concerts. We appreciate all of the local businesses that support the TMA- please help us support these businesses!
Who is the TMA?
Since the 1980s, the TMA has supported the Tantasqua Junior and Senior High School music programs, including Concert Band and Chorus, Show Choir, Jazz Band, Pit Band, Marching Band, Color Guard, Drama and more! The TMA is a member-based organization that has funded instruments, scholarships, lessons, training, and special programs to benefit our talented student musicians.
TMA 2019-20 Board:
Cheryl Reeve, President
Paul Watson, Vice President
Paul McDermott, Treasurer
Fritz Reeve, Secretary
Please stay tuned for more details regarding TMA and how you can get involved with MUSIC at Tantasqua.
We hope to see you at the Concerts and the Cabaret!!
Warm Regards,
Cheryl Reeve