Read the original archived newsletter here.
In this issue:
- Indoor Archery Tournament
- TMA Meeting Summary
- Central MA Show Choir Festival
- Step Up To Music / Music-a-thon
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Upcoming Events
Indoor Archery Tournament
Feb 18 – 21 all day
This weekend is the TMA’s largest fundraiser of the year (February 18-21). We will be providing the food service for the National Indoor Archery Championship hosted at Tantasqua Regional High School. This Olympic qualifying event will draw an estimated 3000 plus visitors to the school over the three days of competition.
The TMA is responsible for running the kitchen and running the food concessions during the tournament. This is where we need your help with food prep, cooking, serving and clean up. We have a number of different roles & responsibilities outlined on our volunteer page.
We encourage you to consider signing up for a shift or two, and helping us raise funds to continue supporting all of the musical groups at both the Jr. and Sr. high schools.
Please contact Rom Portwood for more information
TMA Meeting Summary
Wednesday, Feb 10, 6.30pm
The TMA met on Wednesday February 10th.
At the end of January, Becky Celuzza stepped down as President of the TMA. We all want to thank Becky for her hard work in the TMA in the past few months. Lindsay Ewing has stepped up and has been elected as interim President and will work to keep the TMA on the path we had charted with the strong support of the Board and TMA members.
We discussed the current lack of volunteers for the Archery tournament and encouraged people to seek out both student and parent volunteers for this event (see above).
Mary O’Coin also had some big news and updates about the Music-a-thon (see below).
Central MA Show Choir Festival
Sunday, Feb 6
Congratulations to Encore! for winning a Silver Medal at the Central Massachusetts Show Choir Festival last weekend! Great job by all! There are some photos from the festival in the sidebar.
Please follow the Show Choir on Twitter to keep up with all the latest Show Choir news. @Tanty_SHO_CHO
Step Up To Music
Saturday, May 14, 9am-9pm
The Music-a-thon has been re branded as Step Up To Music. This event will now focus on the mentoring and practicing for the students who are ‘stepping up’ from the regional Elementary school to the Junior High, and the Junior High students who are moving up to the High School.
This event will also include rehearsals for all band and choral Spring concerts and show choir clinics!
So, hold onto your current pledges and continue to get more!
We are currently revamping our web site with all the new details – stayed tuned for more. If you have any questions please contact Mary O’Coin or Sue Davey
Volunteer Opportunities
We are in urgent need for volunteers for the Archery Tournament. Please see our volunteer sign up sheet on our Volunteer page. Please contact Rom Portwood for more information.
Also we are looking for volunteers and donations for the Show Choir Showcase concessions on Feb 26. Please contact Sue Davey or Lindsay Ewing for more information.
Upcoming Events
Thursday Feb 18 afternoon USA Indoor Archery
Friday Feb 19 all day USA Indoor Archery
Saturday Feb 20 all day USA Indoor Archery
Sunday Feb 21 all day USA Indoor Archery
Monday Feb 22 TBD Saint Mary’s Chamber Singers
Friday Feb 26 7:00p Show Choir Showcase
Tuesday Mar 1 7:00p Instrumental All-Region Concert
Wednesday Mar 2 6:30p TMA Meeting
Visit our Upcoming Events page for more event dates.
Join the TMA
Our members are our most important resources. Please support the TMA by becoming a member today.
President – Lindsay Ewing
Vice President – Sue Davey
Treasurer – Michelle Ewing
Secretary – Rom Portwood
IT/Website – Lindsay Ewing
Social Media – Jamie Olander
Membership – Cheryl Reeve
Sponsorship – Jen Jones
Apparel – Jamie Olander
The social media aspect of the TMA serves several functions:
- to share information regarding upcoming events
- to share notes and photos from these events
- to share volunteer opportunities and information pertinent to the members
The social media platforms are a quick and easy way to reach our membership.
We would love to have more input from the students and families. Please share your concert and practice photos, your feedback and your ideas.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Central MA Show Choir Festival
Click HERE to send us more photos and videos for the website, Facebook, Twitter and newsletter. Photos and videos from all events, including practices, are welcome. We want to share the fun of the Music Suites with everyone.