Read the original archived newsletter here.

Almost Ready for Vacation?
Greetings from the TMA!
Please Join Us!
Tantasqua JH Instrumental Concert
Wednesday, June 12: JH Instrumental Concert, 7pm @TRHS
TMA Vacation Raffle tickets are still for sale!
Tickets will be available for purchase just before the JH Instrumental Concert, so bring a little cash for your chance to win! The lucky winner will be drawn during the June 12 concert (winner does not have to be present to win).
The winner will receive their choice of 1 week’s lodging at a Myrtle Beach Condo OR Michigan Cabin (sponsored by the Law Office of Brian Tessier) PLUS $200 worth of Visa Gift Cards, for travel expenses/fun (sponsored by TMA)!!
You can also contact to purchase tickets before the drawing June 12.
Tickets are $10 each or 8 tickets for $75.
TMA BOARD 2019-20
The TMA General Meeting/Election was held on June 4, 2019. The TMA had a very successful year! Thank you again, to our Tantasqua Music parents, staff, alumni, student volunteers, and the 2018-19 TMA Board: Cheryl Reeve, Kathy Olson, Bonna Pano, and Melissa Beauchemin.
Thank you, Kathy, for all of your hard work this year!
The Election was held and the TMA Board for 2019-20 is:
President: Cheryl Reeve
Vice President: Melissa Beauchemin
Treasurer: Bonna Pano
Secretary: Paul Watson
Thank you to all of you that expressed interest in helping the TMA in the coming year. We will definitely need additional support and volunteers; there are so many ways to help!
See you at the Concert, and thank you for supporting the TMA!