Tag: 2018
TMA News: December Updates and Tonight’s Concert! — December 12, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. News from the Tantasqua Music Association **************************************************** Reminder- Tonight is the Tantasqua Jr. High Chorus Winter Concert, 7:00pm @THS! The TMA can use your help! We still need donations of baked goods and drinks, and a few more volunteers, for tonight’s concert. Please use the following link for SignUp!!JUNIOR HIGH CHORUS CONCERT 12/12: http://signup.com/go/AqFOTmJ…
TMA Nov 14: Fundraiser Meeting — November 13, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. Meeting Reminder: Parents, We know it is difficult to attend meetings, but please be at this one!!! To Tantasqua Music Association Parents and Students: Tantasqua Music Association – Parent Meeting Parent Meeting November 14 @ 7:00 PM –In Jr. High Band room This is a very IMPORTANT meeting for…
TMA This Week! Concerts and Signup — October 21, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. News from the Tantasqua Music Association **************************************************** We are looking forward to seeing you all at the first two concerts of the year- October 22 and October 24! The TMA will have snacks and drinks available, Membership Renewals, Raffle Tickets, and Apparel for sale. We are still looking for…
News from the TMA — October 15, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here News from the Tantasqua Music Association **************************************************** Congratulations, Dads’ Show Choir, on winning the big trophy at this year’s Tantasqua in the Spotlight competition! Everyone had a fantastic time, and word is the Moms are already plotting ways to win the trophy back next year! Reminder!! Our next TMA…
TMA Meeting: October 15, 2018 — October 10, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. Greetings from the Tantasqua Music Association Save the date!! Our next TMA General Meeting will be held on Monday, October 15th. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will discuss TMA’s 2018-19 fundraising plans, volunteer opportunities, and upcoming events. TMA Membership information and forms will be available at the meeting. …
Farewell and Welcome — August 13, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. Hi there! Thank you all for being supportive members of the Tantasqua Music Association! It has been a privilege to serve as the TMA President the last two years. Thank you to everyone who has supported the TMA through: time, talent, donations, and volunteering. It has been rewarding to…
TMA Meeting Date Change — March 14, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. Due to a scheduling conflict our next meeting is Thursday, March 22nd , at 6:30 pm in the Junior High Library. We would love to see you there! Warm Regards, The TMA
TMA Meeting Date Change — March 14, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. Due to a scheduling conflict our next meeting is Thursday, March 22nd , at 6:30 pm in the Junior High Library. We would love to see you there! Warm Regards, The TMA
TMA Meeting — March 12, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. Just a friendly reminder that our next meeting is this Thursday, March 15, at 6:30 pm in the Junior High Library. We would love to see you there! Warm Regards, The TMA
Notes from the TMA — February 20, 2018
Read the original archived newsletter here. Hit the Target! Archery Competition Concessions A message from the Vice President: Hello! I hope everyone has had a great start to the February vacation. For the last couple of weeks, I have had the pleasure of visiting all of the junior and senior high band and chorus rooms.…